Computing Curriculum

“Technology, like Art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.”
Daniel Bell

In line with our vision of children becoming their best versions, we believe that a high-quality computing education helps children learn and use life skills through elements of computer science, information technology and digital literacy so that they are prepared for a digitally enriched future.

Our computing curriculum recognises the importance of equipping children with the knowledge and skills so that they can be safe online as well as exploring the deep links computing has with creativity, collaboration and thinking skills. We have a commitment to using technology throughout the wider curriculum to support and enhance children’s learning.


Each key stage has access to laptops and iPads, ensuring that children can use computers for a range of purposes and that they are used across the wider curriculum, as well as in discreet computing lessons. Children enjoy the challenge of using technical vocabulary throughout school to be their best version so that they can express, vocalise and interpret their computational thinking. Computing is accessed in EYFS through technology in continuous provision through use of iPads, interactive smartboards and computers on a range of apps and games.


By building on their knowledge of computer science and how digital systems work, children are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Our computing curriculum also ensures that children become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology so that they are prepared for the future workplace and can be active participants of a digital world. Children understand the importance of staying safe online and know how to report any issues or unacceptable behaviour.


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St John The Baptist Primary School
High Street, Penistone, Sheffield S36 6BS

Infant Site:

Chapelfield Lane, Penistone S36 6FS